
Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well, this "quotes" is often heard on motivational event, but this quotes has proven on this story:

Just a little story when i was on my way home from out of town.

I was using airplane back form Jakarta to Surabaya, it was about 10pm and i know that we are all tired, sleepy and wanted to get back home ASAP.

Well, i also had very bad headache but still my mind and my eyes are aware. The airplane was just about touching the ground and some of the passenger already turn on their hand phone or their blackberry..."oooohhh what so impatient people" that's what i said on my many broadcast message on email or blackberry about airplane accident because of radio signal from the passenger just did not wakened up their mind........pleaseeeee deeehhhh....bad habit !!!!
They can complain about anything, about the small thing but they didn't want to be complained at all!!! (another very bad habit). They will stop that habits if something happened (kecentok bahasa indonesiannya eh bahasa jawanya)

Another thing i want to share is Please be patient!
People nowadays cannot wait about 1-2 minutes; on the public transport we cannot wait to get up or get down, we even grumble when the driver don't open the door immediately. We said bad things when something small happened: dirty, wet or whatsoever....PLEASE DEH...!!!!
If you don't wanna experience flood, don't littering; if you don't want to wait, find another way; if you don't want to be late, go earlier...don't complain...just do something...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Psalm Singing Competition @ St. Jacobs Church

Well, i don't quite understand what the English for 'lomba mazmur' hehehe

In order to commemorate St. Jacobs Parish in Surabaya, there are so many event held by the committee, such as Psalm singing competition, cooking competition, make up competition, Amazing race, etc.. such a happening contest/ competition....

"Lucky" me, i was half forced to join the psalm singing competition hahaha......yes, everybody from St. Joseph Region (our region) choose me and other friend from choir group to join the competition. The main condition as the participant is never singing Psalm in the church before and of course you can sing!!! wkwkwkwk

Well, actually i could not practicing the song so well, i just look at the text for a glance and "ok, i know the song, i know the tone, i'll practice it later" (bad habit) instead i don't have any music instrument or stamp-flute so......kind a lazy to practiced....

Yaah.... the big day is less than a week, so i (finally) borrow the stamp-flute from mba Dian (thank you mba....) to check the tone from the text but still i could not practicing the song 100% because there was so much to do in the office (pheew)....

Finally, the big day is coming, it was FRIDAY by the way...yes it is working day!!!
without proper preparation, i drove my car to church and still trying to find the right tone to sing...pheww what a mess....i even changing my shirt in the car....(rush hour day), yaah... that day really a messy day.....
Finally, i arrived and hurry up stairs to do (very) little practice with the pianist and to calm myself while waiting the other participant to come.

The competition held at 7 o'clock, with 3 professional judges (that's what they said) sitting quietly, without any expressions and do some notes (notes..notes..notes...) while the participants, who are never had any experience in singing at the podium, get a sudden stomachache, cold fever and hungry hahahahahaha yes yes yes...we are so....nervous....

One by one, the participant singing in front of the jury, while i was waiting on my hands get very cold getting so nervous...(glek...).....and thanks God it goes so well..., lucky me, we have a group of supporter that continuously giving us spirit to do the best and motivated us....(including spying on judges result hahahhaaaa)

yah...i think i could not express the story so good...i just glad that i am one of the participants and getting 2nd winner for the competition and had my first performance on Sunday, 4th Sept 2011.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My wife sent me this article, it's about the correct meaning of "MANDIRI" to our's in bahasa indonesia and i didn't translate to English, so i hope this could inspired you.

Saya ingin menawarkan sebuah tulisan tentang
pendidikan anak, yang terbuka untuk dikritik. Saat masih hidup bersama dengan orangtuaku
serta kedua adikku saat di Purwokerto, Yogyakarta dan Magelang. Kenangan
cara mendidik orang tuaku rupanya sangat mengesan bagiku. Pendidikan yang
mengesan itu ternyata ada kaitannya dengan perkembangan parapiskologi
seperti EQ ( kecerdasan emosional), SoQ (kecerdasan sosial) atau AQ
(kecerdasan "adversity") yang sedang populer sekarang ini.

Beberapa kecerdasan yang ditawarkan oleh Daniel Goleman, misalnya, rasanya
bukan hal yang luar biasa, melainkan kecerdasan itu memulihkan kembali
"pemahaman" yang benar dalam membangun relasi antar manusia. Pemahaman
kembali itu tidak lain sebuah proses membongkar beberapa mitos, yakni
keyakinan yang sudah tumpul karena tidak direfleksikan kembali. Salah satu
mitos yang ada dalam pendidikan anak adalah pemahaman tentang "kedewasaan
seorang anak". Anak yang dewasa adalah anak yang mandiri. Anak mandiri itu
mampu mengurusi dirinya sendiri tanpa bantuan orang tuanya"

Pemahaman "kemandirian" itu menggerakkan banyak bapak ibu mendidik anaknya
dengan tujuan "mandiri": bisa mengurus dirinya sendiri, tanpa merepotkan
ayah ibunya. Itulah yang terjadi, banyak orang tua suka membentak-bentak
anaknya karena mereka minta tolong diambilkan minum, minta ditemani belajar,
minta ditemani beli sepatu, dsb. Dengan alasan kemandirian itulah, banyak
orang tua juga akhirnya membuat acara tersendiri, saat anak anak belajar
atau tidur siang, mereka pergi atau menghibur dirinya sendiri dengan nonton
TV atau pergi jalan jalan tanpa mengajak anaknya. Kalau ditanya, "Pak, Bu,
kenapa anak anak tidak diajak pergi?" Jawabnya dengan entheng, "Lha, anak
anak kan harus belajar sendiri dan belajar mandiri, masak belajar saja
ditemani. Kami orang tua kan juga mesti punya waktu untuk menghibur diri
sendiri. Memangnya kita ini jadi Bapak Ibu harus terus menjaga anak? Nanti
kalau sudah nikah, kami juga akan ditinggalkan! Kuno, Mas, kalau orang tua
diminta untuk menemani anak belajar, menemani beli sepatu! Kalau bisa
kerjakan sendiri, kenapa mesti ditolong? Bukankah pendidikan model
"pertemanan" itu membuat anak jadi manja dan tergantung pada orang tua?"

Di balik jawaban orang tua tadi, ada sebuah pemahaman tentang "kemandirian"
yang sangat "pragmatis": bisa sendiri. "Kemandirian" dalam bahasa Latinnya
itu "otonom", dari kata auto & nomos= auto: sendiri, dan nomos: urusan rumah
tangga. Namun otonomi itu diakui adanya justru hanya dalam "RELASI". Semakin
banyak orang memiliki relasi, akan semakin jelas "otonominya" : jelas
bagaimana dia mengurus dirinya sendiri. Karena itu, "kemandirian" itu hanya
tumbuh dan berkembang makin matang dalam "BERELASI". Relasi yang
mengembangkan "otonomi" adalah relasi yang membebaskan orang untuk
"mengambil keputusannya sendiri". Itulah inti dari "memberdayakan orang
untuk mandiri: jadi dirinya sendiri". Persoalannya adalah "bagaimanakah kita
akan mampu memberdayakan orang lain jadi "mandiri" kalau tidak mau membangun

Relasi orang tua dan anak yang memungkinkan tumbuhnya otonomi anak adalah
"relasi yang menawarkan pilihan". Sejak mereka sudah mulai bisa mandi
sendiri, makan sendiri, mereka bisa diberi pilihan, "Dhe, mau mandi sendrii,
atau dimandikan? Mau disuapin atau makan sendiri? Besok mau cari baju baru:
dibelikan saja, atau pilih sendiri tapi ditemani? Adhe ditemani belajar,
atau mau belajar sendiri?" Dengan berbagai pilihan itu, anak anak akan
belajar untuk memutuskan, sekaligus mereka belajar untuk terbuka menanggung
resikonya. Itulah latihan yang sangat sederhana, namun butuh ketekunan.

Masih ada banyak kesempatan untuk "menciptakan ruang" agar anak anak belajar
ambil keputusan sendiri. Semakin dilatiih untuk membuat keputusan, di
situlah anak akan belajar "menjadi dirinya sendiri", bukan menjadi "wayang"
atau "copy" dari ayah -ibunya. Kebiasaan "menawarkan" pilihan, akan membuat
anak merasa tidak terancam, melainkan merasa nyaman karena dipercaya untuk
memutuskan sendiri. Anak itu akan belajar, kalaupun gagalpun orang tua akan
ikut menanggung resikonya.

Cara berpikir macam ini, bukankah sebenarnya menjadikan "paham kasih"
menjadi konkret: kasih orang tua kepada anak, bukan soal memberi barang atau
fasilitas mewah, melainkan KASIH itu berarti "menjadi sahabat" yang membuat
anak "TIDAK KETAKUTAN", melainkan MERASA NYAMAN untuk tampil sebagai
pribadi. "Dalam ketakutan tidak ada kasih!" Dalam situasi yang tidak takut,
anak pun bisa bertanya, "Pak, Bu, boleh nggak saya minta ditemani kalau saya
belajar? Boleh nggak saya minta tolong untuk ditemani beli sepatu?" Itulah
anak yang mulai mandiri, berani beresiko, juga kalau ayah atau ibunya tidak
sanggup memenuhi permintaannya. Namun anak itu tidak lagi "memerintah"
melainkan "meminta tolong".Itulah anak mandiri, yang tetap butuh bantuan
orang lain, namun ia mengasihi orang tuanya, karena ia mampu menciptakan
"ruang" bagi orang tuanya juga untuk membuat pilihan tanpa terpaksa. Dengan
kebiasaan begitu, terbukalah harapan banyak anak makin tumbuh manusiawi.

Semoga dengan artikel ini kita belajar menciptakan "RUANG HIDUP" yang
membuat siapapun tidak takut berhadapan dengan kita, melainkan mereka
TERTANTANG untuk membuat pilihannya sendiri.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Monday 6th of June 2011, 7.30pm

Maybe, i have heard "Parents' love is so deep that they could sacrifice their life to their children" is about 1000 times or more...maybe, i also said that to my daughter, to my brother, to anyone else so many times in the past.....but.....tonight.....i saw with my own eyes...i saw their love with my beautiful..and ironic....(sadly)

This person is my wife relation, she had this cancer for a period of time till now, she have went to china to have a treatment but i think it's only delayed the cancer for a while.

Tonight, we visited her in Husada Utama Hospital. I saw a person who is fighting her cancer, lying in bed with respirator to help her breathe, her skin turn to yellow (maybe she had her liver's activity is down), cannot move, cannot speak, hardly open her sad...
but, in her side, her dad sitting in a wheelchair holding the rosary, keep praying for her. Her mom is still healthy, standing beside her bed, praying, motivating her, keeping her comforted, trying so hard to be tough.

What making my heart melted was that her mom's motivating words.....she said (more or less) "Tjuan, if you're cannot holding any longer, you can let it go, in peace", with giving her daughter a gentle caress, and she continued, "everything will be okay, let peace be in your mind. Your child is grown up and we got them taking care, your sister and your team will handle your's nothing to worry about, tjuan.... you can let them go, you can let us go", " your parent is forgiving you already and we know that you had forgive us too, so you may rest in peace..."

Her parents is Praying for her BEST....her parents have their mental ready for the worst strong, their faith is so wonderful...but so ironic....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stomachache (sakit maag)

This kind of illness that i've never had before, it's hurt!

starting on november that i felt really dizzy and my stomach hurts like being stab by thousands of needle.

So i went to Siloam ER and the doctor said that i have gastritis and indigestion (gangguan pencernaan), there was a funny situation on siloam hospital, i went there by myself with heavy head and ache on my stomach, i went to regristration table and asking about doctor or policlinic but the regristration person said that policlinic were close and suggested me to go to ER, "Ok" i said to her and she asking me again, "are you alone sir? can you make it to the ER?" i answered, " yes, i am and i can hold my pain", the same question were asked by the ER regristration woman to me. Well maybe my face were so pale and put weird grinning all the time.....

So, after having an injection of medicine and taking the pils,the next day i was feeling much better and there goes my days as usuall.

The next month, i eat sour and spicy fish and here we go again.....
hate this stomachache!!!!!
the medicine from the ER were not working as well as i expected so i had to go to the internist and had more treatment for my stomache.

Now, i'm at manado city in the middle of this treatment, really upset though, can't eat this delicious food.....but for my stomach, i have to....

Sunday, January 2, 2011



Happy new year everybody!
We spent our new year holidays in Malang city, well actually i was hoping that my father would be home like used to be, but he wasn' the heck! Still i enjoying my holiday though...

I went on Dec 31st in the morning, i stop by at my house and re-planning what would we do next.
My wife asked me to visit my uncle but i missed my mind, i thought it was Dec 30th and i decided to go to Jatim Park 2.

Wow! the Jatim Park 2 was completely different from Jatim Park 1, they have Pohon Inn, Museum Satwa and The Secret Zoo inside.
JP2 location is in front of Batu Night Spectacular, very big. They have pohon inn which is a hotel but design looked like a huge tree, Museum Satwa and The Secret Zoo.

We enjoyed our trip there, visiting the museum and RAIN came down after lunch time! and we haven't went to the zoo yet!! what a perfect time! *sigh....*
Lucky us that the rain wasn't very long, so we could continue our trip to the zoo. i couldn't expressed how am i feeling that afternoon, the zoo was great! They were huge and enjoyable.....
only their price for food and snack really UNenjoyable!!!
but we have to finished our trip earlier because the rain came again and it was quite heavy...
and that's all for Jatim Park 2 (photos are on other blog)

January 1st,
I woke up in the morning and say to my self; "shit, i missed new year celebration last night because i was sleeping!" :(
Usually i woke up all night to celebrating new year but that night i was really tired.......poor me...
This day, i went to Batu again, visiting my uncle's cow farm also to take Davina there, we want to show her the cow, milk cow.....
once again, i have a not very good luck. On the way back, i was stuck in the traffic jam and took 3 hours from Batu to Malang!!! what a day!!!!!

Oh well, i think my ability to write and speak English decreasing, so i have to stop here and continued some other time. Enjoy my picts on other blog...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Merry Christmas!

This year i celebrating Christmas not in a special way. Actually, we (me and my wive) could not celebrate anything like the way we used to, now we have Davina in our family, and because she is 2 years old and we could not take her all night long so we celebrate Christmas in other way.

Not having duty to sing on choir in the night before Christmas was making other sensation to me. Usually, i have to be prepared hours before the mass but this year i was free! Yeeii.... hahaha!
So i spent the night with my family, went to lenmarc for the 1st time. Hoohoho....what a perfect time, i brought my cam and we were lucky that the management hired models from Excedio, they were wearing pretty costumes and they were there to pleased the guest by taking pictures with them.

Well, you know me, i made my cam standby and taking picture here and there with my little Davina as my model.

On that night, we were not having plan to watch The Sovyet Star Circus, but finally i bought the ticket and watched the circus...

Well, well well...what a wonderful night before Christmas.....
(for your information, i had choir job in the Christmas morning and the next day)